Thursday, October 16, 2008


In the last week of the holidays I attended the uLearn conference in Christchurch. I have created this blog as way to share information and resources from the conference.

You will find links to the uLearn website, the uLearn blog and the twitter network on the right hand side of this blog.
The conference this year had three themes
1. Collaborate: Connecting and developing relationships
2. Innovate: Innovation and sustainability
3. Educate: Learning

The highlights of the conference for me were; an inspirational presentation from Tony Ryan who spoke positively about what is to be a teacher and two presentations of a practical nature: Toni Twiss - using cell phones in the classroom and Brad Milne on Physical Education assessment through ICT. You will find a post for each of the sessions I attended which has resources and links attached.

If you would like to any more information about any of the presentations I am happy to chat with you or you could post a comment or question on the blog. Your feedback is welcomed :0)

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