Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Technology in schools - supporting the ‘difficult students’ (‘special’ or not)

Presentor Lynne Silcock

This was an excellent session.
The presentation provided many practical ways in which we can use mutli media technology tools to provide for the learning needs of our students.Some of the useful tips and practical ideas that I have taken away from the session are:
1. Provide clear and simple resources.
2. Put learning material in an electronic form. The student can then:
  • a. Enlarge it;
  • b. Can have it read aloud using text to speech technology;
  • c. Listen to it repeatedly or as often as is required;
  • d. Using virtual environments can make more experiences available she used the example of frog dissection.
3. She demonstrated how Microsoft word can be set up to convert text to speech using the languages tool bar. To show other teachers and students how to set up there computer to be able to convert text to speech I have created this short video.

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